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Well its fair to say I have failed epically at blogging everyday! the past few months have flown by and I can’t believe that the summer is almost here. Lets not talk about the crazy weather in NYC. Between snowstorms, wind chills and abnormally warm weather in May -I’m curious to see what the next few months bring.
I would say that not much has changed since my last blog post-but that would be a lie. Since January we have moved twice, attended countless weddings, traveled to Dallas, Albany, upstate and well…the list continues from there.
Business has been booming and i’m excited to say that we will be traveling over the summer -which is why i’m back to writing and sharing adventures on my blog (expect beautiful photographs of Europe).
I have also began training for a 10k. Who would have thought? health & fitness has become a huge part of my life and whilst I wouldn’t say that I stick to an “all clean” diet-I would say that eating nutritiously and working out has changed my skin, mood and overall health.