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No of course I’m not expecting. Bloody hell, I’m as single as can be – but I just so happened to stumbled upon this blog I had made when I was pregnant with Aspen in 2013. Now that I think about it, I probably named the blog Ruffles & Truffles because I loved Truffle Fries from David Burke in Bloomingdales on 59th street – and Ruffles because I was convinced Aspen was a girl who would be wearing frilly dresses until she was 15. So here is my compiled list of Things You Should Know When You’re Expecting.
Please keep in mind that this was written when I was 21 years old, but I hope if you or a friend are expecting you can gain something from it-even if it’s a laugh (or two!)
OCTOBER 11, 2013
I honestly feel as though there should be a book out there (or application) telling you the obvious (or not so obvious) “things” about pregnancy. Before I fell pregnant, I never knew that I would be advised to give up: caffeine, hair dye, nail polish, and lobster. Did you?
I feel like Cady Heron from Mean Girls when she says ” I used to just think their was fat or skinny..” Well, I thought there was just pregnant or not pregnant! My inside blonde wants to laugh at how ridiculous I am about pregnancy (and the unknowingness), but it’s critical to be healthy to sustain your pregnancy until your baby is born.
You can never be to prepared with some pregnancy books!
So here are some things that you should know when you’re expecting:
1) You CAN Have caffeine in moderation but always ask your doctor first about how much. I have heard it’s 200 mg or less a day, but if I were you I would try to limit it.
2) Caffeine free is actually worse. Yes, who knew? Apparently it is to do with all of the chemicals that make it “caffeine free” (i’ve been making the caffeine free error)!
3) Hot baths/showers are off limits-yes. No hot bubble baths, or showers running for hours
4) Tired becomes the new hyper. Think…eyes wanting to stay shut, headache, an aching body and frequent naps.
5) You will always worry. I google everything since finding out I was pregnant. Everything has made it into my search bar. Such as “Can I eat cheese pregnant? Can I cook pregnant? Can I have a massage pregnant”..and practically every thing that comes to mind!
6) No massages, unless its prenatal and with THE RIGHT lotion. Yep thats right certain lotions aren’t even allowed during pregnancy. Your also not allowed your feet rubbed or ankles as they are pressure points.
7) Weeks go slow. When you find out your pregnant, 12 weeks seems a decade away
8) Theres more to a sonogram than seeing the baby. In fact theres the sac, then the fetal pole and then the baby. This can take up to 6 weeks to see. 9 weeks is the approximate week to hear the heartbeat.
I could honestly go on forever with information, but the best thing I recommend is buying some books and writing down questions to ask your doctor!
If you loved My Things You Should Know When You’re Expecting Post then be sure to checkout more of my blog posts here.