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I’m going to be honest, ever since COVID I have really really hated my birthday. People say 30’s are the new 20’s and boost how they love aging- but me? can’t relate. I think it’s a facade to calm younger generations. The truth is it’s really hard. It’s hard to watch your parents and grandparents age, people you went to school with get sick or pass away, and truthfully? Compare the life you thought you would have vs the life you currently have.
I’ll be the first to admit I thought I would be married with 3 kids at my age. Instead I’m here asking how am I not married with three kids at my age? I look at other people around me planning weddings and elaborate baby showers. Happy moments and milestones in life and ask why not me?
I recently stumbled upon a book by Roxie Nafousi called Manifest. Within the first 3 pages she writes how unconditional love came from her son. A simple sentence that spoke loudly to me. Unconditional love doesn’t have to come from a partner, but it can come from your child (or fur baby if you will).
Of course with age comes more responsibilities, bills, and in my case independence. My mother always says that the older you become, the harder it is to find a partner. Why? mainly because you’re more set in your ways, not because you need 47 units of Botox.
Now for how to celebrate. I don’t think birthdays have to be a big extravagant thing. If you love to shop? Go to the mall. Love to relax? have a spa day. This year I decided to order myself JFK’s wedding cake. I became fixated on this idea after receiving an email from Goldbelly one day. As I detest my birthday so much, I decided the best idea was to sweeten it with an elaborate raspberry sponge cake.
I also highly recommend starting a new book, doing a self care Sunday routine or maybe just reflecting on everything that you have accomplished rather than the few things you don’t.