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Gosh what bloody day is it? Is it summer yet? I’ve wanted to write a post about F-factor for a very long time now, but of course (and as I always say) one thing leads to another and before I know it – nothing gets done and HERE we are.
Quick life update? I haven’t weighed this much since pregnancy (YIKES), I ordered a make-shift peloton bike off Amazon to save approx $2000, and as of two days ago decided it was time to go on a “diet”.
I hate the word diet because it feels restrictive. So instead, let’s just say I’ve decided to incorporate a few healthy lifestyle changes. AKA no more Mini-muffins, Jaffa cakes, or Scooby Doo fruit snacks Aspen so kindly shares.
I stumbled upon F-Factor about 2 years ago and as health/nutrition has always intrigued me, was immediately hooked. I definitely didn’t need to loose weight-so I stuck to the F-Factor protein powder and drank smoothies post workout – following Tanya Zuckerbrot (CEO and founder of F-Factor) rigorously.
I was also impressed at how versatile the powder was. You could make muffins, cookies, ice cream, and even biscuits. It was an immediate win in my book, along with the fact that you don’t need to count calories when properly following the program. The main Focus on F-Factor is to be cogent of your carb/fiber intake AND you get to drink wine/eat out and have “Mindful indulgences”. So let’s get down to some questions:
How does F-Factor work?F-Factor has 3 steps and a requirement of 35 grams (minimum) of fiber per day (As this is my first time doing a strict – “step one” I will circle back and explain each step in depth/a personal update on how I’m doing and feeling throughout) Step 1: 35 net carbs (2 weeks minimum)Step 2 : 75 net carbs (2 weeks minimum)Step 3 : 125 net carbs (for life
What are net carbs ?Carbs – Fiber = Net Carbs (Example: 70 g Carbs – 35 g Fiber = 35 net carbs) BUT on step 1 the only carbs allowed are GG crackers, high fiber cereal and one serving of fruit.
Is it necessary to buy the book?
I would say so. Although Tanya shares a ton on her Instagram, the book really provides a solid scientific explanation behind the program.
There’s also a Facebook community which is super helpful. I’ve created a list on Amazon with f-factor approved products and the book to help you jump on the bandwagon.
How do you go from counting calories to not?
This one is tough for me and a work in progress. It’s also one of the main reasons that I want to property start F-Factor from scratch (step 1) and stop tracking/logging everything that I eat in my Fitness Pal like a lunatic.
There’s an F-Factor APP that helps you track your net carbs. For accountability reasons I’ve also created a IG dedicated to my health/fitness journey @thebritishblueberry. So between IG, blogging, and logging in the F-Factor app-I should be pretty busy!
It’s MOST important to go off how you feel. For me, I need solid structure that F-Factor provides. This isn’t about weighing a certain number. It’s about feeling better, and having more control/food freedom in the long run.
Why am I sharing this?
Because I enjoy blogging and sharing what I’m passionate about – instead of writing everything down in a journal- I’m going to share my day:day updates on here. Kind of like Bridget Jones Diary (minus the weigh in’s). I tried to start Step 1 two days ago in which day 1 went fantastic and day 2 backfired. I started to Google F-Factor blog posts/day to day updates and realized that the posts published mainly summarized the diet as a whole rather than each step.
Well thats it for now and stay tuned for my day 1 reset
xxx M xxx