We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.
This post has been long and coming. There are so many posts I want to write on building a business from the ground up, but let me start with why I decided to become a certified nutrition coach and form a business in the first place!
After struggling with an eating disorder throughout my adolescence, I decided to pursue my passion for health and wellness on a deeper level, and help others who may be struggling around food and nutrition.
Now you may be thinking there’s a ton of “Health coaches” out there and thats true – but there’s also a ton of Doctors, Lawyers, and Authors out there but that doesn’t stop them from writing another book, or starting another practice. I hovered on the idea for years before finally taking the plunge and becoming certified in February of 2021. From the age of 16, I have always known that I was going to start my own business, and the truth is that I have always been entrepreneurially driven.
So Why Me?
These days it feels that everyone is selling something. I swear every direct message I receive, I’m convinced is another sales message. When you sell without passion you become a sales person (and nobody likes a pushy sales person..) but I’m not trying to sell you on my program, I’m trying to sell you on your worth and capabilities. Whether thats investing in your health and wellness and working together, or just reading this post and realizing that you are capable. You are never too old, It’s never too late, and if not now then when?
My Niche
I used to joke my Niche was “salads and selfies” I honestly hated the word because I never wanted to seclude myself to one market. I wanted to help all people on all platforms in all ways. Wise? absolutely not. I dug deep and thought about my target market and knew instantly that I wanted to help the “Woman on the go, The Boss Babe struggling to find balance, or The new mom who was misinformed her body will never be the same after kids”. The truth is, nothing will change until your mind does. If you believe your body won’t snap back then it won’t. If you believe you have no self control with the pint of Chunky Monkey sitting in your freezer then you won’t-but once you start believing you can, then you will.
I know this first hand with recovering from my eating disorder. Nothing changed until I was willing to change. I know what it’s like struggling to find balance, time and motivation. I know what it’s like turning to food for comfort, eating past full, digging deep into the pint of Strawberry ice cream seeking temporary validation, and the guilt that lingers after. That’s what differentiates me from the person trying to sell you their program without personal experience or passion. I’m not just a person trying to sell, I’m a coach who will become your friend. Together we will focus on your dietary, lifestyle, emotional and physical needs. We work in unison to help you become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself.
Programs & Pricing
Of course I did my due diligence when creating my Private Health Coaching Program. I know that everyone has different needs, goals and schedules which is why I wanted to create a flexible program ranging from 1-6 months and beyond. If you are looking for a one time session before fully committing or on a specific health goal, I also offer those! You can find out more here.
Choosing A Course
So maybe you’ve thought about becoming a certified health coach as well, but have no idea where to start. My advice would be to research, research and research! Use Google, Youtube and Instagram Messaging to your advantage before even considering spending thousands on an accredited program. The New Yorker in me has no shame, I messaged plenty of other Health & Wellness coaches asking if they enjoyed the course that they chose, and if they had any recommendations to get started, etc – what better way to find out than from asking someone directly in the industry? I also watched countless YouTube videos, listened to podcasts and used Google more than ever!
Forming A Business
I will create a separate post on this because I wish I had a clear guideline of what I was getting myself into. As they say: Ignorance is bliss. In this case it certainly was because If I had known of all the legal expenses that come with forming my own business then I think I may have backed out. Now I am not a lawyer and I do not pretend to be one so please consult your own lawyer as each Country, State and County has there own rules and regulations.
All I will say is that it’s not as simple as just taking a course, passing an exam and then immediately coaching clients. Between marketing, contracts, forming an LLC, publishing your LLC, attaining an EIN, A certificate of good standing, contracts – the list goes on and on. It’s daunting and overwhelming (to say the least) and I questioned what I had gotten myself into once or twice, but then remembered why I started in the first place.
Go With Your Intuition
Much like my Private Program, I don’t believe one size fits all – so the course that I chose for certification (National Academy of Sports Medicine) may or may not be right for you. ACE is also another nationally accredited certification program. I compared NASM, INN and ACE before picking which was best for me.
Have questions, comments or concerns? I’d love to chat! feel free to shoot me an email Mercedes@mercedeschloe.com or you can message me on instagram here.