After waking up at 7am on what us Brits call “Boxing Day” I must say I got quite a lot accomplished. Christmas was amazing and I was blessed to get everything AND more that I asked for,…
So if the title of the post didn’t make your jaw drop, i’m not qutie sure what will. I am SUCH a girl, that i never even considered owning tools in my apartment, such as a hammer….
Have you ever been told you couldn’t do something, and then be more inclined to do it? This is the absolute story of my life. If someone tell’s me I can’t do something, I will go above…
“Crossing the line” – said by Mauro at 4.23 AM. This was forthcoming. It has taken me an entire three months to leave my beloved Manhattan, and see Mauros neck of the woods. Mainly because of being…
Okay so a typical New Year’s Eve should include-sparklers, champagne, and 2013 glasses. Emphasis on the champagne, leading to those gawky glasses (seen in pictures world wide). Although New Year’s Eve is a huge event in NYC…
So this thursday I had surgery. It was my first anesthesia and big surgery. I can admit to being absolutely petrified before going under. I even had to ask the anesthesiologist about ten thousand questions before feeling…
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