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In high school, going back to school consisted of having new notebooks, a great outfit, and having classes with your friends. In the real world, going back to college in Manhattan consists of having a great outfit (worthy of Park Avenue), and a psychologist/ psychiatrist to get you through the school year.
So as the hours FLY by on my last day of winter break, I am literally counting the hours sleep ( or lack of sleep) I am going to get each night, having to wake up at 6 am in the morning. The day started off attempting to pick up last minute textbooks (at a closed bookstore) and a small brunch at my apartment, including champagne and macaroons (pictured).
It is bittersweet that school is starting again. On the positive side, I am going to continue to post, and on the negative side, it is time to say goodbye to my Macaroon & Ice Cream indulgence (each and everyday)!
Long story short, this past month has been one of the best months of my life. Between adopting Barnaby, spending clarity time with my family, and having a great birthday month, it will defiantly be one I never forget.